
Javascript SDK reference

You can use the Javascript SDK to subscribe a browser to web push notifications and manage its subscription. Before using the Javascript SDK you need to include it in your website as described in the Getting started section.

pushpad('init', projectId, options)

You must always call this function.

// initialize the Pushpad JavaScript SDK with the default settings
pushpad('init', '123');

// if your website already has a service worker
// make sure to register it in the root scope and with cache disabled
// if the service worker is not in the root directory, it must also return the HTTP header Service-Worker-Allowed: /
navigator.serviceWorker.register('/sw.js', { scope: '/', updateViaCache: 'none' });
pushpad('init', '123', { serviceWorkerPath: null });

// after init you can use the other commands of the JavaScript SDK...

You can use it to set your projectId globally. Otherwise you must pass it as an option to the other functions.

// useful if you have multiple projects on the same page

pushpad('subscribe', function () {}, { projectId: "123" });
pushpad('subscribe', function () {}, { projectId: "456" });

The same domain can have multiple projects associated to it (think to a project as a "mailing list"). This is also useful to manage multiple environments such as development and production.

pushpad('init', isProductionEnv ? productionProjectId : developmentProjectId);

pushpad('uid', uid, uidSignature)

Associate a user ID to the subscription. It allows to target specific users with web push notifications.

// associate the current browser (its push subscription) to the user 123456
// and authenticate the user with a signature for additional security
pushpad('uid', '123456', '4b9503324d1c97ecfc551dbb377452c85da8ebb9');

// or use this simpler code if you disable the signature verification in project settings:
pushpad('uid', '123456');

If the browser is already subscribed to push notifications, then the uid is updated immediately. Otherwise the uid will be associated when a subscription is created:

pushpad('uid', '33', '4b9503324d1c97ecfc551dbb377452c85da8ebb9');

// is the same as

pushpad('subscribe', null, { uid: '33', uidSignature: '4b9503324d1c97ecfc551dbb377452c85da8ebb9' });

See subscribe for a description of the params.

pushpad('tags', replaceTags)

Set the tags for the subscription. It allows to target specific segments with web push notifications.

pushpad('tags', ['tag1', 'tag2']);

If the browser is already subscribed to push notifications, then the tags are updated immediately and previous tags are removed. Otherwise the tags will be associated when a subscription is created:

pushpad('tags', ['tag1', 'tag2']);

// is the same as

pushpad('subscribe', null, { replaceTags: ['tag1', 'tag2'] });

See subscribe for a description of the params.

pushpad('status', callback, options)

It lets you know whether the browser is subscribed to your web push notifications and retrieves data about the subscription.

pushpad('status', function (isSubscribed, tags, uid) { console.log(isSubscribed, tags, uid); });

Note that you can also use this function to detect browser support since the callback is only executed if the browser supports push notifications (however you should prefer the use of the unsupported function whenever possible).

pushpad('subscribe', callback, options)

Subscribe the browser to web push notifications or update the existing subscription.

pushpad('subscribe', function () { console.log('Subscribed!'); });

// or

pushpad('subscribe', function (isSubscribed) { 
  if (isSubscribed) {
  } else {
    console.log('Notifications blocked by the user.');

// create or update the subscription 
pushpad('subscribe', function () {}, { 
  tags: ['t1', 't2'], // add tags 't1' and 't2'
  uid: '33', // keep track of the current user ID
  uidSignature: '4b9503324d1c97ecfc551dbb377452c85da8ebb9'

// add some tags to the existing subscription
// or create a new subscription with these tags
pushpad('subscribe', function () {}, { tags: ['t1', 't2'] });

// replace all tags for the existing subscription
// or create a new subscription with these tags
pushpad('subscribe', function () {}, { replaceTags: ['t1', 't2'] });

If this is the first time that you call this function for a user, the browser will show him a prompt asking whether he wants to receive the notifications from your website.

You can call subscribe multiple times if you want, even if the subscription already exists. This can be useful to make sure that new subscriptions are sent to Pushpad or to update the data associated to the existing subscription.

pushpad('unsubscribe', callback, options)

Unsubscribe the browser from web push notifications or remove data from the subscription.

// remove the subscription to push notifications
pushpad('unsubscribe', function () { console.log('Unsubscribed!'); });

// remove only tag 't1' from the subscription
pushpad('unsubscribe', function () {}, { tags: ['t1'] });

// remove only the user ID from the the subscription
pushpad('unsubscribe', function () {}, { uid: true });

pushpad('unsupported', callback)

It provides a fallback for browsers that don't support web push notifications.

pushpad('unsupported', function () { console.log('Browser unsupported.'); });

Note that when a browser is unsupported the calls to all the other functions are ignored and do not throw any errors.

pushpad('widget', options)

The easiest way to collect subscriptions to notifications on your website.

// enable the widget using the settings from the dashboard

// or you can pass some options directly
pushpad('widget', {
  prompt: true,
  promptDelay: '0 seconds',
  promptFrequency: '3 days',
  promptTitle: 'Subscribe to notifications',
  promptMessage: 'Turn on the notifications for this website to receive the latest news and updates.',
  promptIcon: null,
  promptButton: 'Subscribe',
  promptDismiss: 'No thanks',
  promptButtonColor: '#065FD4',
  promptPosition: 'left',
  bell: true,
  bellSize: '60px',
  bellBackgroundColor: '#D5333C',
  bellPosition: 'right',
  bellBadge: '1',
  bellAnimation: true,
  button: true,
  buttonContainer: 'div#pushpad-subscribe',
  buttonSubscribe: 'Subscribe',
  buttonSubscribed: 'Subscribed',
  buttonUnsubscribe: true,
  buttonPadding: '1em',
  buttonBorderRadius: '9999px',
  buttonFontSize: 'medium',
  buttonColor: '#FFF',
  buttonBackgroundColor: '#D5333C',
  buttonSubscribedColor: '#666',
  buttonSubscribedBackgroundColor: '#EEE',
  deniedTitle: 'Notifications are blocked',
  deniedMessage: 'Please open your browser preferences or click the lock 🔒 near the address bar to change your notification preferences.',
  margin: '1rem',
  fontFamily: 'verdana, sans-serif'

The widget offers a simple way to collect subscriptions to web push notifications. In particular this method provides the following UI components:

The prompt and bell are enabled by default, but you can turn them off by setting their option to false. You can also choose how often the prompt is displayed - to the users that are not subscribed - by changing the promptFrequency.

If you want to display the prompt again immediately, on page load, even when you have just closed it, you can simply set promptFrequency: '1 second' (or something similar). Alternatively, for development, you can clear all data for the website from browser settings or from developer tools.

The prompt can be displayed at the bottom of the page (with promptPosition: 'left' or promptPosition: 'right') or at the top of the page (promptPosition: 'top').

If you want to display the button, you can simply add this markup to your page:

<div id="pushpad-subscribe"></div>

You can configure the appearance and behavior of the widget passing the options directly or using the settings in the dashboard: go to your project, click Settings and then Widget settings. The options passed directly to the method override the settings in the dashboard. This is useful if you want to use custom values for the options that are not available in the dashboard, or if you need to set the options programmatically depending on the page or context, or if you have a multi-language website.

The prompt offers many advantages compared with a simple call to subscribe on page load:

The widget also leverages local caching to improve performance and reduce the number of HTTP requests. The local cache is cleared when you close the browser.

The widget settings are also cached using the HTTP cache: if you change the settings from the Pushpad dashboard the new settings may take some minutes to appear.

The widget is built upon the other methods of the Javascript SDK and it is fully compatible with them, meaning that you can use the widget and other methods together. In particular you can call uid and tags if you want to set them:

pushpad('uid', '33', '4b9503324d1c97ecfc551dbb377452c85da8ebb9');
pushpad('tags', ['tag1', 'tag2']);