
Add action buttons to web push notifications

Currently action buttons are displayed only by Chrome. Chrome displays at most 2 buttons per notification.

You can include action buttons inside your web push notifications. In this way, a notification can have multiple links or actions.

Web notification with action buttons

When you send a web push notification you can add any number of action buttons. Each action button has the following fields:

Usually when you create an action button you set a link that will be opened in a new window when the button is clicked. However developers can also define custom Javascript actions that are executed in background. For example you may define a button called "Like" that saves the reaction of the user in background without opening a window.

In order to bind a Javascript function to a button, you first need to define the function inside your service worker:

self.notificationActions = {

  // Your custom actions must be defined here

  exampleAction: function (customData) {
    console.log('exampleAction called with data: ' + customData);

    // You can use the notification "custom data" field to pass a param to your actions
    var itemId = customData;

    // All actions must return a Promise
    return fetch('/item/' + itemId + '/like', { method: "POST" });

The actions must be defined as properties of the self.notificationActions object. Then, when you send a notification, you can bind an action to a button by entering the name of that action in the Action field.

You can pass an argument to your action by entering a value for the Custom data field when you send the notification.

Note that all actions must return a Promise.