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Migrate to Pushpad from another service

If you currently use a service different from Pushpad and you want to migrate your existing web push subscribers to Pushpad you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Pushpad dashboard and create a new sender:
    • If you already have a VAPID key pair, while you are creating the sender, click Advanced options and enter your VAPID private key and VAPID public key
    • If you want to support Safari (desktop) enter your APNs certificate and APNs private key
    • If you have a GCM API key / GCM sender ID you can enter them in the sender settings, after the sender is created
  2. After you have configured your sender, follow the instructions in the Getting started
  3. Download all the web push endpoints from your previous push service, then use the Subscriptions API to import the endpoints to Pushpad (use POST /projects/PROJECT_ID/subscriptions)

Note however that the migration process is not easy and may produce some issues with your push notifications. This is mainly because it is difficult to propagate the update of the service worker to the browsers and this can create some transient failures. Moreover each push service uses its own combination of techniques and is difficult to predict every problem in the transition.

In any case most of the problems that may arise can be solved by telling your users to reset their browser permission.

Please check out the official documentation for more details about the migration process and don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions.